This month's star is Ewan Prezens

Every month we will introduce you to a colleague. This month's star is Ewan Prezens. Ewan Prezens joined Academic Software in January 2024 and is now Sales Manager of the Nordics.

What exactly do you do at Signpost?

Ewan: As the Head of Nordic Sales, my role involves raising awareness and spreading the word about our software solutions. This includes collaborating with universities, schools, and Research and Training Organizations (RTOs). While I primarily work independently, facing various challenges, I maintain close communication with the marketing team, the tech colleagues, and my international sales colleagues.

What does your day look like?

Ewan: Every day is different, to be honest. Some days, I'm streamlining processes and preparing our materials for the Swedish and Nordic market. Other times, I'm in front of universities trying to understand their needs. Another important aspect for the Nordic region is market analysis. Based on this knowledge, I develop a strategic plan. Currently, we're involved in a couple of tender processes, with a proof of concept underway at the University of Iceland. Our primary focus is on gaining a deep understanding of the market landscape.

How did you end up working at Signpost?

Ewan: Greg (Sales Director) and I have been chatting for about 2 years now, so I've been following Signpost for a while. In the world of educational technology, it's rare to come across a company that does it all (hardware, software, content, training, and connectivity). Our chats started off with educational business chitchat, but as Signpost grew and more opportunities came along, the conversations eventually turned towards a working opportunity for Signpost. Long story short, at a certain moment, everything just clicked - the people, the company, the role... I'm happy with this opportunity, and it's just the beginning!

What can people contact you for?

Ewan: On the weekend, I'm a true family man. I'm a big rugby and football fan (not soccer ;-)). I also coach my son's rugby team. And my daughter is just getting into Martial arts, kinda like taekwondo. I'm a bit of a newbie in that matter, but hey, I'm always up for learning.

You can also always contact me if you know a nice BBQ recipe. And if you're down for a chat, I'm all ears. I love the international vibe at Signpost. My background is also super international. Now we are living in Sweden; we just moved from Portugal. Originally, I come from South Africa but lived in the past also in the UK and Malta.

What are your interests besides work?
Ewan: Since we just moved from Portugal to Sweden, I spend a lot of time settling into the new house and doing some DIY projects. Just small things like putting up shelves, painting… the real big construction work I'm happy to leave to a professional. Plus, doing some DIY projects is a great excuse to buy fancy tools that you don't really need ;-) If I'm not fixing things, I love to meet up with friends and family. We have a tradition with a couple of friends to meet every week. That's at least one time in a week that we don't have to cook ;-) It started as a way to be introduced to the Swedish typical food, but after so many years, it's just great to be close to our friends.