This month's star is  Madlen Aslanyan

Every month we will introduce you to a colleague. This month's star is Madlen Aslanyan. She joined Signpost in February 2022 and is now Marketing Manager at Academic Hardware & Signpost Group.

What exactly do you do at Signpost?

Madlen: "Until recently, I was responsible for marketing within the Hardware division, but since April, I have taken on the role of Marketing Manager for the software division. Our team oversees all aspects of marketing, which goes beyond creating a visually appealing logo, managing social media, and designing posters. Being a good marketeer involves maintaining close communication with various departments. I always refer to the three key elements of success: vendors, customers, and the company/employees. When these elements are in harmony and we effectively communicate internally and externally, our mission is accomplished."

What does your day look like?

Madlen: "The perception that marketing only creates traditional marketing materials is completely outdated. As a marketeer, you need to be increasingly technologically savvy, especially when it comes to website management and digital marketing. Additionally, a significant amount of time is dedicated to developing marketing plans for vendors. Every vendor logo you see at trade shows, on merchandise, online, or offline has been discussed and is a result of a marketing plan created by the marketing team. We constantly collaborate with vendors to determine how we can effectively communicate their story through our channels to the outside world.

No two days are the same, which is what makes it exciting. My tasks range from attending meetings, organising events, managing social media, responding to comments on our social media channels, creating email campaigns, developing marketing plans, networking with people, thinking strategically, to troubleshooting various issues.

How did you end up working at Signpost?

Madlen: "I got to know about Signpost through a friend who spoke highly of it and recommended it to me.
After keeping an eye on the company for a while, I noticed the job opening for the position of Marketing Manager on the website. Given that I observed a lot of room for improvement on the website, I knew I had to apply.

What are your interests besides work?

Madlen: "In addition to my busy job at Signpost, I also have a busy social life. I enjoy going on cultural trips, having a drink with my friends or going out (restaurant, bar, disco, all fine by me). Besides that I try to make time for my passion: sports (running, spinning, tennis and padel). Furthermore, I hold a position as a board member of SW+ (Social Work Plus), a social housing company in the Kortrijk, Kuurne and Wevelgem region."