This month's star is Arno Gijsels

Every month we will introduce you to a colleague. This month's star is Arno Gijsels. He joined the Digitale Methode team in December 2016 as a Multimedia Expert.

What exactly do you do at Signpost?

Arno: "I work for the Multimedia team of Digitale Methode. I am responsible for the video and audio recordings for our educational methods. A recording consists of the preparation, the recording itself and the editing. Video recordings can take place in our recording studio in the Brandstraat, but also on location. For example, in 2021, for the Digitale Methode Dutch, we shot a video about theatre at the Bourla in Antwerp. For the Digitale Methode History, we recorded on the top of St Bavo's Cathedral in Ghent in June 2021."

What does your day look like?

Arno: "That depends on which stage of the production process we are in. Some days I spend editing, other days I prepare and schedule new shoots. Of course, I'm also responsible for shooting the videos themselves."

How did you end up working at Signpost?

Arno: "In December 2016, I joined WeZooz, which was then still a separate company. Signpost acquired WeZooz in 2018. In 2019, Digitale Methode was launched."

What are your interests besides work?

Arno: "Too many to mention. I like watching sports (soccer, darts, basketball and F1) on television, but I also go jogging every week. I also play indoor soccer. Before the pandemic, I regularly went to concerts and festivals. Hopefully, that will soon be possible again. Although I enjoy going for a drink with friends just as much. My girlfriend and I also like to travel, especially to Scandinavia."