This month's star is Sofie Cobbaert

Every month we will introduce you to a colleague. This month's star is Sofie Cobbaert. She joined Lernova als a Sales Rep in December 2022.

What exactly do you do at Signpost?

Sofie: "I've been working as a sales rep (regioverantwoordelijke) at Lernova since December 5, 2022. My daily tasks involve representing Lernova, providing explanations to teachers, giving information sessions, and prospecting for new clients."

What does your day look like?

"I really enjoy my job! There is flexibility in scheduling my day and planning activities and tasks. I prefer being on the road, visiting schools to give information sessions. It's a bit like teaching, which reminds me of my background as a teacher. When interacting with prospects or clients, it's more than just a sales pitch; it's about showcasing the true value of Lernova. We have a deep understanding of our teachers/clients and are very engaged with them.

At Lernova, we have a strong sense of unity. Everyone gets along well, and we all share the same work ethic and entrepreneurial mindset. As a former teacher myself, I can genuinely say: 'Just do it, work with Lernova!'. You can see I fully believe in our product!

It's also great that we collaborate closely with the other Signpost entities. Everyone is easily reachable, and you can always count on someone from the team."

How did you end up working at Signpost?

"I've had a decade-long career in education and publishing. I used to be a teacher and worked as an author for another publisher in education. Over time, I felt the hunger for something more. When I started exploring other opportunities, Lernova came across, which intrigued me. During the recruitment process, everything happened really quickly and smoothly. I had my first interview with Maarten and Sien, and within six weeks, everything was settled. Now, many months later, I can say, my hunger has been satisfied ;-)

My start at Lernova was marked by the passing of my father. The support I received from the team during that difficult time was invaluable. I'll always be grateful for the trust they placed in me from the very beginning; I never felt that trust anywhere else. For me, it truly made a difference."

What can people contact you for?

"People can reach out to me for training, guidance, or advice related to education, particularly from a Lernova perspective. Or they can simply reach out for a chat. I love coming to the office; I try to be there every Monday. I enjoy chatting and attending office parties; it's great to be with colleagues."

What are your interests besides work? 

"I have two daughters, aged 10 and 12, a wonderful husband, and I enjoy spending time with my family. On weekends, we love to do activities together. Besides that, I enjoy traveling, dining, and going to concerts. I challenge myself to do some sports as well. At Lernova, I'm a happy member of the running team.

All things my 15-year-old self would consider boring, but I enjoy them immensely."